ADT Engineer Intranet
This computer has been encrypted. Due to restrictions in the following countries you are not allowed to travel to them with an encrypted computer: Belarus, Burma/Myanmar, China, Cuba, Hong Kong, Iran, North Korea, Russian Federation, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine & Vietnam. If you plan to travel to any of these countries please contact the Service Desk to have your computer decrypted on: 0161 455 4311.
We would like to remind you that Tyco reserves the right to monitor the use of all Company electronic and computer equipment in accordance with applicable laws, collective agreements and in relation to any concerns raised regarding misuse. As described in the Tyco Guide to Ethical Conduct, Tyco may monitor all communications, including Internet usage, and employees should not consider such communications to be personal or private. Please note, misuse of Company equipment – for example, sending inappropriate or sexually suggestive emails or accessing inappropriate Internet sites – will be treated as a serious breach of the IT Security and Acceptable Use Policies and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
The Tyco IT Policy can be viewed in full by selecting the following link Tyco IT Policy